Linguistics and Advanced English Studies

Linguistics and Advanced English Studies

Intitulé du MasterLinguistics and Advanced English Studies اللسانيات والدراسات الإنجليزية المتقدمة
Type du MasterMaster Accréditation 2021
Responsable du MasterPr. : Abdellah ELHALOUI
Objectifs de la formationBy the end of the programme, the students will have a good understanding of the linguistic technicalities of the Englsh language.
By the end of the programme, the students will acquire a sound awareness to English studies.
Conditions d’accès–Diplômesrequis : Licence in English/ Competency in Linguistics
-Pré-requispédagogiquesspécifiques : Good mastery of English
– Good knowledge of basic fields of linguistics
Procédures de sélection :
¨Etude du dossier : selon les procedures et critères adoptés par le Conseil d’ Université (guichet unique)
Study of application forms by a special committee
At least two distinctions in the ‘Licence’ studies At least 12/20 in the basic ‘Licence’linguistics courses
Entretien : Individual interviews with the members of the pedagogical committee ¨
Autres (spécifier) : Written test
Description de la formation
Semestre 1Module 1Translation – Advanced Translation Techniques
Module 2Phonetics and Phonology – Contemporary Trends in Phonetics and Phonology
Module 3English Sounds and Structures – English Sounds and Sound Patterns
Module 4English Word Structures – Contemporary Trends in Morphology and Syntax
Module 5English Sentence Structure – Word and Sentence Formation in English
Module 6Langues étrangères et Culture
Semestre 2Module 1 English in Texts 1 – Old/Middle English Text Analysis
Module 2 English in Texts 2 – Modern English Text Analysis
Module 3 Social Issues in Language Study – Issues in Sociolinguistics
Module 4English in History – The History of English Through Texts
Module 5Soft Skills : Ouverture
Module 6Langues étrangères et Culture
Semestre 3Module 1English in Creative Production – Creative Writing in English
Module 2Concepts in the Study of Meaning – Lexicology and Semantics
Module 3Word Meaning in English – English Tones and Styles
Module 4Discourse Analysis – Trends in Discourse Analysis
Module 5English Words – English Vocabulary
Module 6Langues étrangères et Culture
Semestre 4PFE
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